Aarhus University Seal


Aarhus University provides two wireless networks that can be used across the entire campus: Eduroam and AU-Guest. If you do not have access to Eduroam through your research institution, you can access the university’s local WiFi, AU-Guest. 

How to set up AU-Guest


1. Select “AU-Guest” from the list of networks.

2. Open your internet browser, which will display the log-in page for AU-Guest. If this does not happen automatically, try navigating to au.dk.

3. Log on to the network using your Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or Microsoft account or by receiving a confirmation text message.

AU's wireless network guest portal. Use one of the options marked above to log in.



1. Check whether WiFi access is enabled on your device. If it is, try turning it off and on again before reconnecting to AU-Guest.

2. If the log-in page still does not open, try accessing another website than au.dk.

3. Clicking the AU logo on the log-in page will direct you to the Eduroam installation program, which may not be available to you. Try one of the other log-in options instead.

The AU logo does not give access to AU-Guest. Use one of the other login options instead.

4. Call IT support at +45 8715 0955.

Eduroam is an international roaming service for students, researchers and university staff. You can find a guide on how to set up Eduroam here.